Sunday, February 10, 2013

C1: Day 9

I have encountered an unusual situation following this diet: I am never hungry! I was able to follow a solid set  eating schedule the first week, but it can be difficult to make sure to get the 2 probiotic servings, 2 fruit servings, 2 healthy fats, etc. that the diet calls for, particularly when I don't have an appetite for them

I have developed a fairly regular routine and I have found the diet easy to follow, but it does become a bit monotonous. Part of this falls on me due to the fact I have yet to prepare the new recipes I have planned out. I also now have developed random cravings for things I wouldn't normally think about.

I have heard similar stories from others on restricted carb diets. For instance, I find myself staring enviously at the stranger eating a McDonald's BigMac on the street. Or I find myself wistfully gazing at the triple layer red velvet cake flashing across the television. Neither food items have ever been a part of my cravings or thought process prior to this diet, but now I seem to be distracted easily with various treats not on my food list. The cravings have yet to lead to actual temptation. Working in a restaurant, I find myself constantly surrounded with the offerings of unhealthy foods both before and after my shift.

Fortunately, I have been steadfast in sticking to this diet. I won't lie- I am very much looking forward to adding more foods to my diet, and I literally have been dreaming about sushi (cycle 3...I think!). I also know that in one short week I can add shellfish as well, which I am quite excited about!

For today, I am sticking to sweet and simple- another long day at work ahead.



Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt


Blackened Chicken Breast over mixed greens
Apple Cider Vinaigrette


5 Strawberries
1/2 cup cottage cheese


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